Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Well after tonight's session at Capitol I realized that I apparently suck at maximizing my good hands and betting for value on the river when a scare card comes. I can recall 2 similar situations where the river made a 3-flush and I had TPTK and just checked instead of betting.

That right there was 2 BB's missed and they do add. If that happens 2 a session for 3 sessions that a good amount of money lost.

I guess that I just need to fire it out there when the scare card comes and hope that the villain didn't make the flush or straight. That is part of my game where I need to improve.

The other I need to work on is playing aggressively with marginal made hands w/ isolation raises. I haven't really done this at all and will be looking into this when I practice online.

I will be re-reading the SSHE section on betting for value on scary boards and focusing on that aspect in practice online.

Santi: Anything else that I need to work (yes I know raise more) on off the top of your head?


Nik Santi said...

Not sure if this is right or goes with/against the common line taken by most limit players, but I tend to check rivers in that situation when I'm out of position and then bet those rivers when I'm in position.

You can't fault yourself too much for checking when the flush draw hits, because what exactly are they calling you down with? With TPTK, I might (notice might...depends on player) check the river, with a set or two pair I will probably continue to bet and call a raise if need be. Don't be afraid of monsters under the bed.

Only other thing I can say is to continue raising. If you flop TP, don't call behind some guy who bets out. You should be raising the flop to see where you are. Capitol players tend to be more aggressive, so don't be afraid to 3-Bet/Cap the ever living shit of them either. I see a lot of guys opening up pf with QJ, so you should be 3-Betting a wiiiiiiide range of cards against them, especially in position.

Hope that helps, good luck friend

Fender403 said...

That was my general thinking when the flush draw/straight draw hits.

But I was snooping around on CP and Cas was saying that there is now way that you would lay down TPTK in this situation. In correlation to this, I was re-reading SSHE, and they were saying that you should go ahead and bet anyway, even when OOP. Some of the time you will get raised, but most of the time TP lower kicker will look you up.

Me personally, I am fine w/ just check/call when OOP.

I definitely saw that at Capitol, some you raised me when had KQ, flopped a Q and he held QTos. I didn't have him on AQ because he limped PF, had him on a set or goofy two pair.

I might be adding 99, and AQ to the 3bet range in position. I have just seen too many people open w/ A9os and shit like that.

GL in LV.

Fender403 said...
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