Sunday, July 29, 2007

Session No. 8 7/29 Capitol Casino

4/8 Kill: -$120 TSP = 4 Hrs 30 Min BB/Hr: -3.33 BB/Hr
Overall 4/8K & 4/8 (since 5/8): +$476 TSP = 36 Hrs 0 Min BB/Hr: 1.65BB/Hr


Played with some of the worst players that I have seen yet. Most notably, an older Asian woman who would play every, I mean every hand, no joke, and draw to 4 outers like nobody's business. I counted that she hit 6 gutterballs; of course one against yours truly.

A:d:Q:d: < K9os

I was on the button in a kill pot. Limped in 3 spots, Hero raises, BB and all call.

Flop; J 4 3 rainbow

All check to Hero who bets, 1 fold, others calls

Turn: Q (85 % to win)

All check to Hero who bets, 2 fold, old Asian bitch (AB), I mean woman, calls

River: T

AB leads, Hero calls w/ TPTK. AB shows K9 for runner runner straight.

LOL. I told her, "The was an outstandingly egregious play on your part, Nice Hand."
"Keep playing like that, please." I don't know why, but this woman just pissed me off to no end the whole night. But I really hope that she is at my table next session, playing every hand, paying off trying to run down 4 outers.

That was the only hi-light errr, low-light of the night; other than the fact that I couldn't hit a straight or flush draw to save my life. But hey, that's poker.

I can, however, see the silver lining in my game:

1. It is all just bets now, not money. Finally took me a while to get out of that mentality.

2. I have seen myself have the ability to use aggression to buy free cards and gain information against weak foes now.

3. Way more aggressive w/ flush and straight draws even when I am not hitting.

4. I am not changing the way that I play even when the session is going good or bad for that matter.

5. I have improved my hand reading skills. It was pretty sick today, I could tell probably %60-%70 of the time what players were holding.

6. I am just getting that sense in the way that people are betting (physically and concretely) of what they hold. I picked off a couple guys today when I held middle pair and they held AK and AQ. The flop would blank on them but they would C-bet anyway and I would pop them with a raise, they would call and then check fold the turn.

What I am trying to say is that the results will come, I am feeling my self improve other aspects of the game beyond Pre-flop holdings, and when to slow play etc. It is those gray areas that I need to improve upon.

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