Sunday, December 16, 2007

Session No. 20 Cache Creek (12/13)

4/8 Kill TP = +300 TSP = 5 Hrs

Made the 4/8 Superstar and I ventured up to the Creek and were seated at an almost broken 4/8 Kill Table. We played 5 handed for about and hour or so, and Nik and I played pretty aggro just like 6-max online.

The Persian man, Dominic, who was in seat 6 and was feeling like he was in the mood to donate, and got pissed when I didn't show at his request. I guess I shouldn't pissed off the fish and just showed him. Hopefully I will be able to incorporate the upcoming concepts from the "Don't tap the Glass: How to keep the fish at the table," by the Santi.

Anyways, I have to say that I ran pretty well and the opposite side of the table was donating all its chips to our side. Seats 1-4 were pretty solid the whole night with Chili (who made $2500 for rivering quad 3's), the 4/8 Superstar, myself, and Pat, a solid player who liked to gamble. All of us didn't clash to much through out the whole night. Chili got me once when he flopped a boat w/ JT and I just had TPTK. Oh well.

There was a guy that just kept paying off, and paying off, and paying off. Jason, who tried to bluff waaaaaay to much on pretty much every hand. It was great, I probably made about $60 solely off of him.

Big hands of the night:

QQ flopped set turned boat. Called down in 2 spots
AK in Kill Pot
K-rag OS - Rivered 2nd nut flush
Q-rag OS - ""
KK holds in big pot
Another had that I can't mention, that I will never play like that again. The Superstar know what hand this is.

I took down many many small pots w/ just a cbet and aggression.

The only hand that I will post a HH about is a TT hand solely from the reason that I felt a huge improvement in my game.

Hero in Hi-Jack w/ TT

Limped in 1 spot, folded to Hero who raises
Called by Button, blinds, and limper.

Flop: A 9 4 rainbow.
Checked to me, I fire called in 2 spots

Turn: A puts 2 flush out
Checked to me I fire again. Called only by button. At this point, I felt that I was good here and he didn't have the Ace, this is about one of the safest cards that I felt could come off at this point, or obviously another ten.

River: 2
So, I figured just to check call to, on the off chance that he had the Ace it would only be $8 instead of $16.

This is just a point that I would have gave up and fold to a bet on the turn. But times have changed.

Thanks to the Superstar for coming out. Most likely there will be another trip up to the Creek next week some time.


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