Sunday, July 29, 2007

Session No. 8 7/29 Capitol Casino

4/8 Kill: -$120 TSP = 4 Hrs 30 Min BB/Hr: -3.33 BB/Hr
Overall 4/8K & 4/8 (since 5/8): +$476 TSP = 36 Hrs 0 Min BB/Hr: 1.65BB/Hr


Played with some of the worst players that I have seen yet. Most notably, an older Asian woman who would play every, I mean every hand, no joke, and draw to 4 outers like nobody's business. I counted that she hit 6 gutterballs; of course one against yours truly.

A:d:Q:d: < K9os

I was on the button in a kill pot. Limped in 3 spots, Hero raises, BB and all call.

Flop; J 4 3 rainbow

All check to Hero who bets, 1 fold, others calls

Turn: Q (85 % to win)

All check to Hero who bets, 2 fold, old Asian bitch (AB), I mean woman, calls

River: T

AB leads, Hero calls w/ TPTK. AB shows K9 for runner runner straight.

LOL. I told her, "The was an outstandingly egregious play on your part, Nice Hand."
"Keep playing like that, please." I don't know why, but this woman just pissed me off to no end the whole night. But I really hope that she is at my table next session, playing every hand, paying off trying to run down 4 outers.

That was the only hi-light errr, low-light of the night; other than the fact that I couldn't hit a straight or flush draw to save my life. But hey, that's poker.

I can, however, see the silver lining in my game:

1. It is all just bets now, not money. Finally took me a while to get out of that mentality.

2. I have seen myself have the ability to use aggression to buy free cards and gain information against weak foes now.

3. Way more aggressive w/ flush and straight draws even when I am not hitting.

4. I am not changing the way that I play even when the session is going good or bad for that matter.

5. I have improved my hand reading skills. It was pretty sick today, I could tell probably %60-%70 of the time what players were holding.

6. I am just getting that sense in the way that people are betting (physically and concretely) of what they hold. I picked off a couple guys today when I held middle pair and they held AK and AQ. The flop would blank on them but they would C-bet anyway and I would pop them with a raise, they would call and then check fold the turn.

What I am trying to say is that the results will come, I am feeling my self improve other aspects of the game beyond Pre-flop holdings, and when to slow play etc. It is those gray areas that I need to improve upon.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Well after tonight's session at Capitol I realized that I apparently suck at maximizing my good hands and betting for value on the river when a scare card comes. I can recall 2 similar situations where the river made a 3-flush and I had TPTK and just checked instead of betting.

That right there was 2 BB's missed and they do add. If that happens 2 a session for 3 sessions that a good amount of money lost.

I guess that I just need to fire it out there when the scare card comes and hope that the villain didn't make the flush or straight. That is part of my game where I need to improve.

The other I need to work on is playing aggressively with marginal made hands w/ isolation raises. I haven't really done this at all and will be looking into this when I practice online.

I will be re-reading the SSHE section on betting for value on scary boards and focusing on that aspect in practice online.

Santi: Anything else that I need to work (yes I know raise more) on off the top of your head?

Session No.7 7/18 Capitol Casino

4/8: +$20 TSP = 3 Hrs 30 Min BB/Hr: 0.71 BB/Hr
Overall 4/8K & 4/8 (since 5/8): +$596 TSP = 31 Hrs 30 Min BB/Hr: 2.37BB/Hr



AT > 88
77 > 55 Set over Set Capped Flopped got called down in 2 spots.
AK > K9
99 > ??
AA > ?? Flopped boat checked flop, no takers on the turn.
A5 > Some sort of Flush. Flopped 2 pair, villain turned flush, Hero luckboxes the boat.
KK < A6os

KQos < QTos Flopped TPGK, LAG villain CR'd, I got nitty and just called; mistake should have 3bet but didn't have a read on him b/c it was his first hand at the table, turned blanked, villain rivers 3 outer for top two pair. :(

Well tonight was pretty slow. Got to Capitol around 5:30pm and started playing 15 mins after. I recognized about 3 players from previous sessions and they weren't that talented very loose passive

Also, I saw one other semi-solid player. He looked like an Asian version of Mike Santi with a receding hair line. I was talking with him and found out that he is a NL player that plays at Lucky Derby and Limelight. So that automatically made me think that he was a LAG, and he was. He left up about $150+ or so. I saw him make so pretty smooth plays to not lose players when he had a monster. Like waiting till the river to raise w/ the flopped nut straight w/ 5 people in the pot. Sneaky play but he was catching a pretty good rush of cards.

As for my play, I flopped 3 sets, and a boat, and only got paid off on one of those hands. That was unfortunate, but hey that is gonna happen somedays. I attribute this to the fact that my table was in the Pai Gow room and no other hold 'em games were going on so it was a subdued atmosphere.

I didn't run too great preflop (not too many SCs or mid PP or suited Aces in LP), and had no flopped no major draws. I played somewhat tight most of the night but I had to.

Could possibly be playing this weekend in SLO in a 4/8 Half-Kill Game but who knows...

Found a major flaw in my game which I haven't repaired or worked on that much. See the next post.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Session No. 6 7/15 Capitol Casino

4/8 Kill : -$10 TSP = 3 Hours BB/Hr: -0.42 BB/Hr
Overall 4/8K & 4/8 (since 5/8): +$576 TSP = 28 Hrs BB/Hr: 2.57 BB/Hr
Overall (since 5/8): +$576 TSP = 28 Hrs $/Hr: $20.57/Hr

Fairly short session, but I had to go.

Quick Recap:

55 < 62s < 83s Flopped bottom set capped flop, got ran down by flush on river.
AJ < JJ Some guy slowplayed his top set, CR'd turn I called down.
AA > ?? in Kill Pot
QQ > ?? in Kill Pot
AK > AT Filled the Boat on turn
Hit a couple BB specials

Was down $80 until my last hand UTG in a Kill Pot.

Hero UTG w/ A:s:A:h:

Hero raised to $16, called in 3 spots ($64)

Flop: was 967 rainbow

Hero leads called in 2 spots ($88)

Turn: 6 still rainbow

Hero leads called in 1 spot ($120)

River: 2

Hero leads, doesn't get called. ($80 profit)

Players were horrible again. Saw one guy who was a solid LAG, but for the most part the table was loose passive.

Might play later on this week before I take off for SLO.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Session No. 5 7/8 Capitol Casino

4/8 : +$154 TSP = 6 Hours BB/Hr: 3.21 BB/Hr
Overall 4/8K & 4/8 (since 5/8): +$586 TSP = 25 Hrs BB/Hr: 2.93 BB/Hr
Overall (since 5/8): +$586 TSP = 25 Hrs $/Hr: $23.44/Hr

Well let me just start out by saying that today could have been a huge, huge, day for me... There was a random assortment of LPP's, at the table, not really anyone that was two terribly talented.

However, Captain Four/Two Outer made a whirl wind tour into Capitol Casino and ran me down in 3 big pots.

Didn't run Santi-like, but decent run none the less.

I got laid some pretty sick beats, Aces got cracked twice; once by Q8os, and once by 68os who called 3bets cold preflop.

Hands of note:

JJ > AA Flopped set
QQ > AJ Flop was Jack-high
62 > ?? Douche Bag called river and then mucked
KQ > AQ Made straight on Turn

Won numerous smaller pots by aggression and w/ TP in the beginning of the session but towards the end the C-Bets were getting called.

Now on to Captain 4/2-Outer. He took two forms today, 1st in seat 8, and then later to my direct left in seat 5.

First 2-Outer.

Hero is in BB w/ Black AA

Pre-flop: 2 folds, Captain-2-Outer Calls, 1 caller, folded to SB who raises, Hero 3-bets, Captain-2-Outer Calls, Limper callers, SB caps, All Call. (8 BBs)

Flop: Q:s: T:d: 6:h:
SB leads, Hero Raises, Captain-2-Outer Calls, limper folds, SB just calls. (11 BBs)

Turn: T:c:
SB Checks, Hero bets, Captain-2-Outer calls, SB calls.

River: Q:d:

SB Checks, Hero Bets, Captain-2-Outer just calls WTF???, SB calls (14 BBs)

SB shows KK :(
Hero Shows AA :(
Captain-2-Outer Shows Q8os.

2 orbits prior to this hand Seat 5 (Captain-4-Outer) rivered a gutterball vs. my top two pair and slow-rolled the table not showing until the dealer was shoving me the chips. What an ass goblin!!!

On to the action:

Hero is in the CO w/ A:s:3:s: I love suited Aces in LP for cheap

Preflop: 2 players limp, Hero calls, Captain-4-Outer calls on the button, SB completes, and BB checks option. (6 players WoW, hit me some spades!!!) (3 BBs)

Flop: 9:s: T:s: 5:s:

Prayer answered.

Check to player to my right who bets out, before acting I saw Captain-4-Outer reaching for chips to raise so I decided to flat-call then 3bet and trap the fuck out of the table.

Captain-4-Outer raises, only one limper calls and guy to my right calls, Hero 3-bets, Captain-4-Outer just calls as does the limper and guy to my right. (9 BBs)

Turn: 4:c:

Check to Hero who bets, both call. (12 BBs)

River: T:c: Ah, fuck.

Player to my right checks, Hero bets, Captain-4-Outer Raises, Guy to my right calls, and Hero just calls. (18 BBs)

When he raised, I said, "Dam, you just caught a 2 outer on me didn't you??? Great catch."

Of course

Hero shows A3 of spades for the nut flush :(
Guy to my right shows Q7 of spades for 2nd nut flush :(
Captain-2-Outer shows T9os for tens full

I guess that I can't blame him, he did have top-two pair on the flop. I guess that I just blame the deck.

I beg of you, please keep calling me when I have two-pair, and the nut flush trying to hit your two and four outers.

I was a 90% favorite to win that hand, oh well.

Maybe more later. Not too much to talk about.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Session No. 4 7/4 Capitol Casino

4/8 : +$200 TSP = 4 Hours BB/Hr: 6.25 BB/Hr
Overall 4/8K & 4/8 (since 5/8): +$432 TSP = 19 Hrs BB/Hr: 2.84 BB/Hr
Overall (since 5/8): +$432 TSP = 19 Hrs $/Hr: $22.72/Hr

First trip to Capitol, scouted a bit last night and felt it could be profitable. So I sat down just after 1 pm and played a little past five.

The play was very-very loose passive at this table, and people were showing down all kinds of junk. I can't say how many time I saw someone play T4s UTG and rationalize it by saying it was suited. My kind of players. Wouldn't mind making another trip back down there.

The 4/8K game looked a little bit more wild that the one at Cache on average 6 to a flop. Don't quite think I am comfortable w/ that one at Capitol yet. Should be playing Cache Creek on Sunday during the day.

Quick Recap:

TT > 68 - Flopped top set, villain (LAG) flopped middle pair and called down
QQ > KK and Other random hand - Capped pre-flop, 3-bet flop faded out the flush draw.
AKs > AQos - Flopped TPTK, Made two pair on turn kept firing.
77 > ATos - Flopped middle set, villain flopped TPTK
KQ > ATos - Flopped OESD, Hit Nut straight on turn when villian made two pair

Other not so good hands:

AKs < 87os Flopped nut flushed draw on board which made villain trips, and turned quads.

Oh might I add, I raised on the button, BB 3-bet, douche-bag w/ 87os calls 2 cold and I cap that bitch. I knew exactly what she had when she donk bet into me and I still raised her any way.

QJ < AQ Flopped TPGK. Middle aged man didn't raise PF even and I wanted to fuckin' slap this guy when he showed down AQ on the river.

KQ < KT < ATs It was five handed, so I raised in MP got 2 callers. Flopped TPGK, KT douche goes runner-runner straight, and ATs goes runner runner flush. Of course I was praying for a deuce on the river.

KJ < A4os Both villains checked flop w/ and Ace I catch a king on the turn a

Made a 2 bet mistake when I called turn and river. Maybe a little to aggressive w/ 2nd pair.

Will post some HH's later. For the most part the hands I took down were standard.


Some quotes and evidence of stupidity:

Seat 4 a douchey woman who was a regular at capitol, and donked off 1 buy-in in 1 hour.

“Well, I guess I would play J3, if it was suited.” Seat 2, “Of course I’d play that, its suited.”

Quick HH (5-handed) Got a little aggressive with this hand, but hey gotta do it when SH’d.

1 fold to Hero in MP w/ K:s:Q:d: who raises to $8, 1 fold, and both Hi-Jack and CO call. (3 BBs)

Flop K:h: 6:d: 7:s:

Hero bets $4, both Hi-Jack and CO call (4.5 BBs)

Turn 8:d: Blinds check, Hero bets $8, Hi-Jack and CO call (7.5 BBs)

River 9:d:

I was thinking “Shit, I just got runner-runnered, dam.”

Hero checks, Hi-Jack bets, CO calls, Hero Folds. (9.5 BBs)

CO shows KTos for runner-runner straight
Hi-Jack shows A:d:T:d: for runner-runner Flush

So after the hand, Seat 4, who had the straight, asked me what I had and I said, “I had both you guys until the river.” She says, “I had top-pair, and a straight draw on the flop.”
I respond, “Yeah, well I still had the lead going to the river.”

Please keep calling me down w/ TP medium kicker, and try to hit your runner-runner straight. Your chips will be in my stack more often than you will take mine.

And, I guess that moron w/ AT of diamonds was calling cause he had an overcard, but still that is just a horrible play.


This was my second orbit at the table and I am in the CO and have A:s:K:c:

1 fold, UTG+1 raises to $8, gets two callers, Hero 3-bets, both blinds call, and original raiser and all callers throw in the extra bet. Holy hell, 6 to the flop (6 BBs)

Flop K:s: T:c: 6:c:
All check to UTG+1 who donk bets, 1 fold, 1 call, Hero raises to $8 just BB, UTG+1 , and MP calls. (10 BBs)

Turn 6:s:

All check to Hero who bets $8, BB folds, UTG+1 and MP calls (13 BBs)

River 4:d: Ha, just faded the flush draws!!!

All check to Hero who bets $8, only UTG+1 calls

UTG+1 shows KJos for TPGK
Hero shows A:s:K:c: for TPTK and wins (15 BBs)

Last HH:

Hero in OTB w/ QQ

2 limpers, folded to Hero who Raises to $8, SB 3-bets, all call to Hero caps, all call. (8 BBs)

Flop A Q 6 rainbow

SB bets, 1 fold, 2nd limper raises, Hero 3-bets, both call (12.5 BBs)

Turn 4 (rag) all check to Hero who bets $8 both call (15.5 BBs)

River A blank low card, all check to Hero who bets $8, only SB calls (17.5 BBs)

Biggest pot of the day.

Hero shows QQ for a set of Queens
SB shows KK for second Pair.