Tuesday, November 30, 2010

11/30: Um, Well, November Wasn't Quite Over

After my last blog, I didn't think I would get out to play until the weekend. I was incorrect.

I made it down to Cap around 630ish and quickly ordered the Double Mushroom Chicken and Steam Rice prior to sitting down, which is delicious btw. My new table was opened shortly, and I drew bad as usual and posted the BB.

Hey, look at that, 1st hand I get red Jacks and raise 6 people, yay!! And we are off, unfortunately the flop is Q-high, mono-suited (clubs) and I bet the flop 3 calers and the turn is a 4th club effectively ending the hand for me. So much for a good start.

Next hand I end up rivering a weird straight and getting paid off for a little profit to get me back to even...

Here is where the night took off. I raise 4 limpers in a Kill-Pot w/ KK and be the whole way and get paid off on an all unders board. Weeee, nice pot there. A few hands later, I raised red Nines UTG, get 3 bet by the button, the SB caps it, BB calls, and all call. Flop is 9-high (mbn) and get paid off by 1 person who was all-in at the river decent start :-)

Then, I felt a rumbling...Aces hold in a 4-way pot for a sick pot. AK flops hard in a kill pot and holds. I make a play and get there w/ a rivered flush against SK (see Nik's blog).

More thunder and lightning. 88 goes runner-runner for tilt factor against some guy who full on berates me, I fucking love it. I win another hand him w/ AK in a big multi-way pot. And, I am just gonna say it, God-Mode Engaged.

We played 6 handed for like an hour and a half were I made some good plays, like semi-bluff raising and getting there with a big combo draw. And then just straight snap raising a guy w/ A-high, barreling the turn w/ the flush/over card hit, and hitting an Ace on the river. Aces flop a set and hold again. Weeeee....

When all was said and done the result looked like this.

I enjoyed that configuration :-)

I ran awesome. Came up +$450.

**Updated end to the Month.

TSP: 17hrs
TP: +850
Hourly: 6.25BB/hr (yeah, that's nuts, lol definitely sustainable)


More updates to come. I might come back and post some strat on 1 hand where I barreled and got there.


1 comment:

Nik Santi said...

resize that damn pic